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Ironbruin 2023 by Lauren Salerno

UCSB Triprez

As one of the travel officers, I have read the Cal Tri website what feels like a million times. Since Sunday, I have revisited the site and honestly (I know this is a false accusation) I truly believe it was updated mid-race, after they realized their masterful fuck-up,  to say the following: 

“There are police at major intersections and volunteer course marshals at other key locations as well as route arrow markings on the road.  The police are primarily there to provide athletes the right of way at intersections and not provide course instructions.  Athletes are responsible to study and know the course.” 

So yes Cal Tri, against common sense, we the athletes should have never listened to your volunteers at said “key locations.” It is entirely our fault that the swim was not in fact 400 meters, but 750, and the ride was not 12.6 miles, but a minimum of 15. 

And how clever of you Mr. Race Director to try to DQ 88% of racers for following your volunteers’  instructions. Seriously, hats off to your intelligence and rationalization skills. 

Thanks to the careful planning and contributions of Cal Tri, I have the following congratulations to give: 

  • To newcomers, congratulations on completing your first triathlon!

  • To Donovan, who went the wrong way not once, but twice, congratulations on completing your first Sprint-Olympic (Sprympic?)  hybrid, mess of a race. 

  • To Connor, the know-it-all and the only person I know of who stayed on the correct course, congratulations on a well-deserved 3rd place! 

  • To Ava and President Gigi, our resident girl bosses, congratulations on 1st and 2nd! 

Moving onto even better news, WE HAD NO CRASHES!!! I want to say this is unprecedented (Is it unprecedented?). We’re going to say that it is because last year Ironbruin was a battlefield.  

While some left more mentally defeated than others, everyone left with all their teeth accounted for and zero road rash, so I’d call that a major accomplishment.  

For me personally, this race had a ton of mixed emotions. Leading up to the race I was ridiculously nervous. Both for the race itself and whether all travel arrangements would go according to plan. Thanks to a group of wonderful drivers and hosts, everything went relatively smoothly! When all is said and done, my pre-race anxiety seems so silly by the time I cross the finish line. 

Something I was reminded of multiple times this weekend is that “the best part of triathlon is the people.” This is a sentiment I think will sit in my heart for the remainder of my time here at UCSB. All my stress is trivial in comparison to the teammates I’ve met along the way.  

To anyone else who gets anxious before races, or is still doubting themselves and debating whether or not to join our team, come find me and we can be nervous (for no reason) together. 

I’ll end with a note to UCLA. We wholeheartedly support your decision to host your own race separate from Cal Tri in the future. Thank you for your sportsmanship along the course and for kicking our season off to a very entertaining start!