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Trek is the UCSB Triathlon team’s official bicycle sponsor. The company provides the team with deals on bikes, equipment, and components. Every Trek road bike is designed to deliver best-in-class performance, from their fastest hand-built carbon race machines to their refined aluminum models. These are the lightweight, road-smoothing, aerodynamic road bikes that will carry you over the steepest climbs and keep you smiling on the descents. You'll feel the difference, from the first ride all the way to the podium.We love their bikes! Check out their website

Formerly known as Bicycle Bob’s, Trek Bicycles provides professional bike maintenance, parts, repairs and assistance to all UCSB Triathletes. The employees are experts in fitting and fixing any bike, be it a cruiser or a professional-level bicycle. We love their service! Check out their website! 

As the team’s wetsuit sponsor, Roka provides high-quality endurance swim wetsuits for athletes of all levels, as well as a variety of other triathlon equipment including swim equipment, cycling kits, running clothes, and more. We love their gear! Check out their website here.

Patagonia is the team’s amazing apparel sponsor. They offer durable clothing for any and every adventure. The team’s custom running shirts, and jackets are all made by Patagonia.  Patagonia is an active, responsible, and environmentally conscious company with the full support of the UCSB Tri team. We love their clothes! Check out their website here.

Better Triathlete is the team's digital media sponsor. In addition to being one of triathlon's largest online publishers, Better Triathlete is a coaching network that helps athletes connect with the best coaches to meet their training and racing objectives. Check out their website here.