Meet the Officers
Jean Chen
Age: 21
Major: Biological Sciences B.S.
Year in school: 4th
Favorite thing about the team: Shenanigans (frequently and high volume)
Favorite quote: "we don't make mistakes, we just have happy accidents." — Bob Ross
Favorite weird food combo: Oatmeal and anything
Favorite Artist: Erm
Email: Ucsbtriprez@gmail.com
James Pflaging
Age: 21
Major: Computer Science
Year in school: 4th
Favorite thing about the team: Our enthusiasm to do and enjoy hard things
Favorite quote: “I felt like I was there to represent us. I felt unworthy to be the one representing our defense. So that’s why I cried. I’m like why am I the one representing us - there are other people. You guys look at my career; I look at my life” — Troy Polamalu
Favorite weird food combo: Salsa and rice
Favorite Artist: Jordan Ward
Email: Ucsbtriprez@gmail.com
Derrick Chan
Age: 20
Major: Financial Math and Stats
Year: 3rd
Favorite thing about the team: Extremely and incredibly stupid silly goofy vibes
Favorite quote: “Do less, eat more” — Coach Matt
Favorite weird food combo: Root Bilk
Favorite Artist: Clairo
Email: Derrickchan@ucsb.edu
Social Chair:
Margie Fronduti
Age: 21
Major: Ecology and Evolution Biology
Year in School: 4th
Favorite thing about the team: Workout buddies
Favorite quote: “No man is a failure who has friends” — it’s a wonderful life
Favorite weird food combo: Banana spinach chocolate smoothie
Favorite Artist: Taylor swift
Email: Mfronduti@ucsb.edu
Social Chair:
Veronika Erdosi Szucs
Age: 19
Major: Biochem and Molecular Biology
Year in School: 2nd
Favorite thing about the team: The people and the way we all motivate each other to become better
Favorite Quote: "When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like 'whaaaaat?'“
Favorite weird food combo: Pasta with poppy seeds and powdered sugar
Favorite Artist: Carson coma
Email: Verdosiszucs@ucsb.edu
Bing Lin
Age: 20
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year in School: 4th
Favorite thing about the team: Yes
Favorite quote: “Oh I know what I’ll do! I’ll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan!”
Favorite weird food combo: Goldfish and vanilla ice cream
Favorite Artist: Paramore
Email: Sponsorshipucsbtri@gmail.com
Jessilin Lee
Age: 19
Major: Cell and Developmental Biology
Year in School: 2nd
Favorite thing about the team: Seeing everyone wear my awesome merch designs
Favorite quote: “Checked too hard and got mated”
Favorite weird food combo: Seaweed salad and everything
Favorite Artist: Twice
Email: Sponsorshipucsbtri@gmail.com
Romer Rosales-Hasek
Age: 18
Major: Physics
Year in School: 2nd
Favorite thing about the team: Having someone to train with at all times
Favorite quote: “i am the best”
Favorite weird food combo: Hummus and Salmon
Favorite Artist: Role Model
Email: Romer@ucsb.edu
Quartermaster: Donovan Truel
Age: 20
Major: Electrical Engineering
Year in School: 3rd
Favorite thing about the team: Romer
Favorite quote: “Wherever you go, there you’re”
Favorite weird food combo: Chips and Cottage cheese
Favorite Artist: Ryan Chaudoin
Email: Dtruel@ucsb.edu
Travel Coordinator: Bruno Bartalos
Age: 19
Major: Ecology and Evolution Biology
Year in School: 2rd
Favorite thing about the team: Chavez
Favorite quote: “A fickle heart is the only constant in this world” — Turnip Head
Favorite weird food combo: Kimchi Burger
Favorite Artist: Billy Strings
Email: Brunobartalos@ucsb.edu
Travel Coordinator:
Ryan Chaudoin
Age: 20
Major: CCS Physics
Year in School: 3rd
Favorite thing about the team: Peoples’ willingness to full send stupid ideas
Favorite quote: You know what they say
Favorite weird food combo: Sausage and countertop
Favorite Artist: Bring Me the Horizon
Email: Rchaudoin@ucsb.edu
Recruitment and Membership Chair:
Cam Cox
Age: 20
Major: Biology
Year in School: 3rd
Favorite thing about the team: The awesome people and adventures
Favorite quote: “I am fast. To give you a reference point, I’m somewhere between a snake and a mongoose.. and a panther.” — Dwight Schrute
Favorite weird food combo: Pickles and carrots
Favorite Artist: Mt. Joy
Email: Membership.recruitment.ucsbtri@gmail.com
Kendra’s Race Director:
Natalie Richards
Age: 19
Major: Environmental Studies
Year in School: 2nd
Favorite thing about the team: Cool silly people doing cool silly things
Favorite quote: “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”
Favorite weird food combo: Popcorn & nutritional yeast
Favorite Artist: Caamp
Email: Kendrasracecommittee@gmail.com
Kendra’s Race Director:
Viola Katona
Age: 18
Major: Geography
Year in School: 2nd
Favorite thing about the team: Traveling to races
Favorite quote: “It is what it is”
Favorite weird food combo: Sour cream + spaghetti
Favorite Artist: Peach Pit
Email: Violakatona@ucsb.edu, Kendrasracecommittee@gmail.com
Media and Design: Viola Katona & Natalie Richards
Year in School:
Favorite thing about the team:
Favorite quote: Dab on the haters
Favorite weird food combo:
Favorite Artist: