Contact Us

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Interested in Joining?

If you are interested in joining the team, here are a few things you can do to find out more about the team:

  1. Fill out our interest form! This will get you added to our email list where we send out weekly announcements, practice and meeting schedules, and more.

  2. Join our GroupMe for interested athletes! We will send out announcements here in addition to the weekly emails, and if you’re joining late you will also be able to read past announcements that you may have missed.

  3. Come to meetings! These are where we go over everything that is coming up for the team. Weekly meeting times for Fall 2024 will be on Tuesday nights from 6:30 PM to 7:30 pm, in Broida Hall, room 1640 (around the west side of the building).

  4. Give us a tri (Haha, ha, ha, get it?). We have a two week free trial period. This means that you can come to two weeks of practice for free! This gives you a chance to see if you like the team (you will) before signing up.

  5. Browse through the rest of the website to learn more about the team and see how awesome we are.

  6. Follow our team Instagram and Facebook pages (linked below) to stay up to date with team news and events.

  7. Any questions? Email: