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MEETINGS: Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30PM in Psych, Room 1902

UCSB Triathlon is a competitive club sport team. The team is open to undergrads, grads, the entire UCSB community, as well as the SBCC student body. Whether or not you are a newcomer or a competitive veteran, there is a place for you on the squad.

Our team has a full time coach and structured, daily group training for all levels. We swim in the pool and ocean, cycle on the roads and in group trainer sessions, run on the track and local trails, and take advantage of the phenomenal weather, mountains, beaches, and trails for training that is always fresh and fun.

The team is also a strong social group with "triathlon houses," regular get-togethers, camping trips, and other adventures. In addition to daily training the team has regularly coached clinics ranging from swim technique to racing transitions to bike safety and handling.

The team has weekly meetings open to visitors and newcomers. Our meetings include team updates, coaching, and guest speakers.

We are a year round team, racing from October to early May at distances from sprint to olympic. Our team places in the top ten at USAT Collegiate Nationals almost every year and won the spirit award in two consecutive years! We also have one of the largest teams in the country, a testament to our team's unity and inclusiveness.